This Is 40 – The “sort-of-sequel” to Knocked Up (2007) is directed by Judd Apatow and seems to focus primarily on Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann’s characters from that film as they approach their 40s. Jason Segel, Melissa McCarthy and Albert Brooks also return in their roles. Fans of Girls might also be interested to note that Lena Dunham has joined the cast. The trailer is fun, and it’s impossible for me to hate one that uses George Harrison’s “What Is Life” to such a great effect. U.S. premiere: December 21.
Playing for Keeps – Watching this trailer reminded me of something I’ve been thinking about before. Why exactly is Gerard Butler a star? Sure, he’s had a few box-office hits, but he’s never really been the undisputed star of anything worth mentioning. This family-oriented soccer comedy is no exception. Jessica Biel is also in it… and so is Dennis Quaid. Maybe he can shake things up a bit. U.S. premiere: December 7.
The Big Wedding – A romantic comedy where a divorced couple (Robert De Niro, Diane Keaton) has to pretend like they’re still together. The trailer makes it look like a heartwarming affair… as long as the slapstick doesn’t get the upper hand. Most likely to charm older audiences. U.S. premiere: October 26.
Life of Pi – Ang Lee has filmed Yann Martel’s popular novel and this trailer was recently released… but it’s almost impossible to say anything about the film. The novel is a fantasy adventure about a boy’s experiences after a shipwreck. The trailer emphasizes 3D technology (in certain theaters) and beautiful views of Pi (Suraj Sharma) trying to survive on the Indian Ocean along with a Bengal tiger. Its obvious Oscar ambitions may actually work against it. U.S. premiere: November 21.